The Power of Storytelling within Visual Communication

Nikos Georgopoulos
09 Sep 2020
10:00 am - 10:45 am CDT

The Power of Storytelling within Visual Communication

For thousands of years, people have been gathering around to listen and share stories. Since the 1960s, the creative and advertising industry has employed the art of storytelling to communicate messages, promote products and ultimately, build strong provocative relationships between brands and their audiences. At this year’s Big Design Conference, Nikos will be talking about the art of storytelling within visual communication and the design industry. In this talk, he will present six case studies from his own work in order to support his argument that designers and design educators should invest more time and energy in pursuing the creation of emotional and relevant creative responses that engage people and deliver successful and powerful communication. Selected images and videos will support the above effort, by presenting examples of Nikos’ work as well as projects that he and his students developed as part of his studio workshops at London College of Communication.